OL Participates in Open House Madrid showing its studio

Los asistentes estuvieron muy satisfechos con la visita

We have participated in the latest edition of Open House Madrid showing our new offices.

It has been a great pride to see the great acceptance of our initiative and even the Open House organization decided to come and photograph our studio among many other places to photograph.

The people who came were very interested in learning about our history and the advances that the studio has experienced in its 40 years of life; as well as our workplace, an oasis in the middle of the Salamanca neighborhood that is completely aligned with our ESG philosophy.

In Open House, properties have also opened the doors of some of our buildings such as Arqbórea and BBVA.

Thanks to Open House Madrid for allowing us to do this, and we will see you again in the next edition!


ouse Madrid

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Ortiz. Leon Arquitectos

OL Participates in Open House Madrid showing its studio

We have participated in the latest edition of Open House Madrid showing our new offices. It has been a great pride to see the great acceptance of our initiative and even the Open House organization decided

OL Participa en Open House Madrid mostrando su estudio

Hemos participado en la última edición de Open House Madrid mostrando nuestras nuevas oficinas. Ha sido todo un orgullo ver la gran aceptación de nuestra iniciativa e incluso la organización de Open House decidió venir a

ORTIZ.LEON Oct 04, 2024
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